From top to bottom..
Furious 7
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Mad Max Fury Road
Star Wars Episode 7
Jurassic World
The Walk
2015 is going be an epic year for movies not to mention the hoverboard I'm hoping to receive for my birthday. We have two releases of the seventh film in a series - Star Wars and Furious. Will they hold up to their fans expectations? If you had to choose just one to watch which would it be? I'm a Furious fan.
It's been 22 years since dinosaurs plagued our cinemas and our hearts. I was too young then only 8 and didn't get to enjoy the thrill of T-Rex on the big screen. I have high expectations from Chris Pratt.
The second instalment of Avengers hits our screens in the summer. As a big Marvel fan I am waiting for this with baited breath. Rumour has it that Spider-Man might be making an appearance in 2016s Civil War. Sony are supposedly giving Marvel the use of this enigmatic character as long as they hold the creative rights. It will make a huge difference to the franchise if Spidey can finally join on screen but at what cost?
There are several new standalone films being released too, fresh blood in amongst all these old dogs. Firstly Tomorrowland which is based on a theme park at Disney World. After the success of Pirates which was based on a ride at Disney I don't doubt Tomorrowland will be just as amazing. Then there is The Walk - a story of French high-wire artist Philippe Petit's attempt to cross between the Twin Towers in 1974. A film by Robert Zemeckis based on the novel To Reach the Clouds and a remake of Man on Wire from 2008. I love edgy movies and this will be a seat-grabbing one.
So what will you be seeing this year? There are many more I haven't mentioned yet like the final instalment of The Hunger Games and Cinderella. What won't you be seeing and why?
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