Call me want you like, I just love books. Since my blog has transformed from a beauty blog to a lifestyle blog I feel I need to get this word out. Many of my followers have probably forgotten about my blog or simply prefer just beauty blogs, so I need to find a new community of bloggers and hopefully some new blogs to follow in the process.
Why did my blog change? I stopped doing makeup actually. I use to be a small makeup artist locally trying to break into the industry. It was a career change and I was blogging my way through it. However hard times saw me having to put it to one side and now I've decided it just isn't something I want to do anymore. I do however want to keep blogging, so now I'm a lifestyle blogger instead with a few beauty posts thrown in.
Blogging is therapeutic and helps me stay in touch with friends online, I don't want to lose that sense of community. I'm moving over to the bookish side but it's not all that I am. So to say hi again and find my new footing, here is a gorgeous giveaway for everyone.
I wasn't sure what book to buy so I bought two, and have decided to let the winner choose which one they would like to receive rather than give no option.
Choose between:
The Vintage Guide to Love and Romance by Kirsty Greenwood
It's not me it's you by Mhairi McFarlane
Plus receive a £10 Debenhams giftcard and a Real Techniques Core Collection set. Enter by the Rafflecopter widget below. You can find my Bloglovin and G+ links on the side bar.
p.s. I will check that the winner has entered all the mandatory elements on Rafflecopter. If they haven't I will pick another winner.