Thursday 11 September 2014

The skint Makeup Artist


The life of a creative person may sound exciting and beautiful, more often than not though it is heartbreaking, hard work and lonely. When I decided to make the move into Makeup Artistry I was working in a less than minimum wage job on a tempory contract. Makeup was a outlet for me. It kept my dreams alive and spirits high.

In the two years since I started this journey I have at times had to take on not just 2 jobs to fund it but in fact 3 jobs. Working temporary 0 hour contracts are no way to live. You don't know week to week weather or not you'll be able to pay the rent. All the time I was experimenting with new makeup techniques and building a kit to be able to take on the free work which would benefit my portfolio. No one tells you how hard it's going to be when you decide you have to pursue your dreams no matter what.

My dream was never to be a makeup artist. I was always a creative person, drawing, photographing, designing and creating. I started out doing Art in school which I got my highest grade at GCSE of a B. I then choose to move into Fashion and Textile Design in college and came away with a HND. But nothing ever felt right. I knew I was a creative person but I hadn't found the niche that I fell into. It took me a further 6 years of full-time employment in a supermarket before a friend suggested to me I try doing a Makeup course. I loved makeup but I just never wore much of it myself so had never considered it. I enjoyed blogging in my spare time after work and was surprised when companies started sending me their products to review. I had even become an Avon Rep to help me gain confidence and experience in marketing and sales.

When I started putting makeup on other people I took to it like vasaline to a dry lip. I absorbed as much as I could and gave it my all. I continue to learn on a daily basis and have started entering competitions around the UK to help give me more confidence and experience. Although I'm still struggling to get by and my kit isn't over spilling with high brand products I make do. 

Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube have really helped with inspiration and I've had nothing but support from my followers. Artists understand the struggle of other artists and they all support one another. This is why I love Instagram and appreciate the support everyone has given me by not trampling all over my dreams. 

Find me @wendyenglandmua on IG

Wendy x

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