Another bleach, another ruined hair colour? Maybe not. I've gone and bought Total Bleach by Bleach London and despite being too scared to use it I did it anyway. It sat in my draw for some time before I plucked up the courage to use it but it was worth it.
I've been brunette for 2 years and it was getting kinda boring, I missed my blonde hair. I had some highlights already so I was worried bleaching might totally dry my hair out. I needn't have worried.
So about the kit: The gloves were made for gorilla hands and the mixing tub for a child's. They need to have a look again at those. I found the mixture incredibly dry and although I have short hair one box wasn't enough. It was though very gentle on my scalp, I felt a slight tingle to start with but after 45 minutes I'd got used to it.
The bleach only lifts 7 shades so I expected to have some ginger bits. I kinda ended up looking like a flame, my roots were bright blonde! I did buy Bleach London White Toner so I tried that in the hope it would tone down the redness. It didn't. I wasn't totally unhappy about it as it did lift most of the brunette buildup from my hair and the generous conditioner turned my hair into a soft marshmallow. I wouldn't recommend doing this if your hair is already damaged. My hair has taken some beating in the past but it hasn't seen bleach in over 2 years so could handle this bleach bashing and come out strong.

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