This is something that comes quite easily to me having done a HND in Fashion and Textiles. It doesn't mean it's something I do often however. I wondered for a second if I could remember how to thread my sewing machine up and maybe I should be doing a 'How to re-learn to thread your machine' post first. Once I had unearthed my threads and made sure my machine worked properly the rest was a piece of cake.
What you need:
❤A pen
❤A Ruler
❤Sharp scissors
❤A cushion filling - these can be old ones which no longer have a cover, to new ones like mine which I bought from Wilkinson's or just use some feathers (a messier option)
❤Your chosen fabric - maybe you have some old clothes which you no longer use and want to make something out of them? I had scraps of fabric lying around from when I was in college.
❤A needle & thread or a sewing machine & thread
First measure your cushions width and height. Most cushions are square which makes things easier.
60x60 cushion (for example)
Add 1cm to each side = 61x61cm that's your seam allowance
Mark out the height on your fabric edge
Double the length = 120cm length & mark that too
Now you can cut it out and fold it inside out ready to stitch
Stitch the 2 long sides leaving a gap at the top
Turn the right way out and slide the cushion in
Want to be able to reuse your cushion cover and wash it? Make one side loger than the other e.g 60cm x 90.5cm. That way once you have sewn the 3 shorter sides together the longest side can just tuck inside.
And TA DA! You have a pretty, unique cushion in your home. I hope you have a go and link it back to me if you do @Wendy_England on Twitter and have fun with it. Add decorations like buttons and sequins by hand :D I'm just too impatient to fuss.

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