A couple of weeks ago I wasn't even thinking about The Clothes Show in Birmingham. Partly due to the fact I hadn't been in years as I couldn't afford to go and it was the same this year. I just happened to enter a competition to win 2 tickets to The Clothes Show Live run by the wonderful Caroline Lichfield @Caroline__Mary on her BLOG and won! I couldn't believe my luck and called my sister to tell her the good news. She was bouncing off the walls as she's been on at me for ages about going.
I'm not the most fashionable of people as you may have seen. I pretty much live in jumpers, jeans and my fleece and only get dressed up for meetings and nights out. My sister was on my case and made sure I didn't look too 'Norfolk farmers wife' haha. But on Friday morning it was just too chilly and I did throw my jumper over my dress before I left the house. So yeh I didn't win any style awards ;)
When we arrived at the NEC the car park was pretty dead and there were even girls with bags already leaving at 9:45am! I thought we would be battling crowds as per past experience just to get though the ticket barrier but we just flew through. The floor was pretty empty and we headed straight to the pink zone and Barry M's stand then on to Models Own. For someone who rarely has nails long enough to paint I do love the nail varnishes. Every stall had goody bags, even the small stalls with names I didn't recognise. Looks like traders have cottoned onto what really sells at The Clothes Show. I knew what I was there for and wasn't going to be distracted as I only had a limited budget .. the Magazines!
All photo's are from my Instagram
Below you can see my magazine haul. I bought all I could find, even ones I don't normally read. I mean they were £3 each and for that you got in most of the bags 2 magazines plus several freebies. Most magazines cost £3.50+ so they truly were a bargain. As there is just way too much to put in one blog I will be doing a series post about each goody bag so keep your eyes peeled.
There wasn't much going free this year that I could see. Some stands even trying to appear like they were giving things away free and then asking you to give what you think it's worth and then suggest the amount you give! The cheek haha! Maybe because I'm older (maybe wiser) I noticed things I wouldn't have done before. Many clothes stalls near the Theatre were selling exactly the same clothes at the same prices too and were of poor quality. My sister really liked a coat and almost bought it as it was ONLY £40. I convinced her not to after the trader was doing the hard sell and I could see threads hanging off it in places where you wouldn't expect to fray o_O
The show was fantastic. We had the best seats as we were directly in front of the stage and normally we are seated to the side. We had a good view of the attractive male models who always steal the show. My sis who is newly loved up wasn't interested but after 4 years with the same man I was happy to check them out... naughty ;) There were also some male models at the Juice bar where I had the chance to get my mug on a mock up Heat cover. We were pretty much done by 1pm as we had walked round twice scene the main show and even spotted a few celebs.
It made me realise that it would be my last visit as I'm just too old at 28 and too unfashionable for such an event. I remember when 11-14 year olds use to buy something from a shop just for the plastic bag. So you took your P.E. kit to school in style. Jane Norman was the most popular for girls and JD for the boys. Now they have a full face of makeup, false eyelashes, a tan and extensions. Wet look cropped, high-waisted trousers, the half skirt as I call it or in some teenage boys cases onsies. The fashion now really is beyond me.
Top - Gemma Collins have a quick look round her own stall with a crowd trying to sneak a picture
Bottom - My sis left and myself in the Carmex car

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