I am a huge lover of anything vintage that was made locally in my home city, Norwich. A few years ago I went to my first flea market and came across a 1950/60's handbag & fell in love. I bought it for £10 and it wasn't until I got it home and had a good look inside that I saw the label.
Made in Norwich!
And my love of MacLaren handbags was born. Unfortunately after much research I couldn't actually find out much about this brand except that they now make Pushchairs of all things. It was my boyfriends mum that told me that there was a factory in Norwich. She has since bought me 2 MacLaren handbags and always keeps an eye out for me when she goes to charity shops.
My favourite MacLaren bag I bought from a little old lady at a vintage fair in Holt and who lived just down the road at Blakeney. It's a gorgeous light brown leather and has never been out of its box. She said she use to work at the factory and when it closed she put this in her cupboard and forgot all about it. I think I bought it for £25 but I'm sure it will be worth much more in the future. The box is quite worn and it also now stays in my cupboard. I want to keep it pristine. I will keep searching and building my collection. If anyone knows more about this brand I would love to hear from you :)

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They look Lovely!!
<3 Val
I adore them ^-^ I haven't bought a new handbag in ages! Xoxo