If I've learnt one thing from starting my own business it's to work with others. Funny isn't it really? You start out your own business because you want to work for yourself but soon find out that the only way forward is to work with others. I don't mean employing others either. I mean working with like-minded individuals and businesses.
Anyone starting out with their own business will understand the importance of collaborating with other businesses. If anything it helps you learn what works and who you want to work with in the future. Small businesses need to look at each other as partners, not competitors. By making yourself known to those within your industry on a local scale you set your business up for a better future.
Relationships in business are crucial to the success of your own. I have collaborated with many people and hope to continue this well into the new year. As a makeup artist I need models, photographers, stylists and more to be able to make my vision a reality. By joining forces with these other creatives who are also starting their businesses we in turn help each other to reach our goals. Today I visited Wedding Angels (photos above) on Angel Road in Norwich to view a wedding dress. The fabulous owner James has kindly agreed to loan me the dress for a photo shoot and in return he will receive the photos for his own use. Without this collaboration I wouldn't have been able to go ahead with the shoot, my funds don't stretch to the cost of a bridal gown. This way I get my photos for my portfolio and future publishing's and James business get free photos and press. It's a win win.
There are many ways to find businesses to work with: Word of mouth, social networks, email, yellow pages, even referrals. Sites like Purpleport and Model Mayhem and perfect for people in the creative industry. You set yourself up a profile and can put out casting calls for free. I have benefited most from Purpleport than any other in regards to collaborations. It's great for Time for Print (TFP) assignments but not so much if you want paid work.
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What a great idea, to work with other small businesses. Thanks for posting this - I'm going to mull it over and think about how I can use your strategy for my own fledgling enteprise.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy this has helped you Wendy. Let me know how you get on xoxox