Tonight I was lucky enough to see The Hunger Games Catching Fire before it's release in the UK tomorrow. And..O...M...G!! It was amazing!! I was utterly engrossed and loved every minute of it. The makeup was outstanding. The fashion creations were drop dead gorgeous and the emotion, oh the emotion. It was so much more moving than the first film. I warn you that you will need tissues. Within 20 minutes of the film started tears were rolling down my cheeks. I've only even seen the first film once and yet I felt I knew the characters' like the back of my hand.
I was so absorbed in the film that I almost forgot I had handed my phone over before entering the screen. Yes you read that right. Before we were allowed into screen 3 of our Odeon cinema we had to hand over all recording devices. I thought there were cameras in the screen to be able to see if people were being 'naughty'? It was quite scary to think how much we really rely on our phones, I felt lost. I've never seen a screen empty so fast; people were almost jumping over one another to get there phones back. Then ofcourse they were all standing around seeing what they had missed out on in the virtual world over the last 2hrs 30mins.
You may have seen from my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram that I had been re-creating Jennifer Lawrence's red carpet makeup for the occasion. Save to say I didn't wear the wig to the cinema but the makeup turned out lovely. It still amazes me how makeup can transform my whole look. My website is now up and running if you'd like to check it out. Still a few creases to iron out with text, links and pictures but it's getting there. The web address is currently but it will be changing to very soon.

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