It's the middle of the week and I'm about to embark on the interview of my life! I'm off to Urban Decay, Debenhams at 3pm and hopefully impress the Area Manager and land myself a dream job. This Wednesday for me most certainly isn't a Hump day. I would normally be getting ready for work, eating my breakfast in front of the comp catching up on my favourite blogs. Instead I'm research the company and styling my hair. Yes my interview isn't until 3pm but a girl can never be too ready right?
So today it's down to you. Share this post on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc and get the word out that this is where you can find new blogs to read.
So today it's down to you. Share this post on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc and get the word out that this is where you can find new blogs to read.
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I think this is a really good idea as people can use it even if they couldn't make the chat! I've added mine - and hope to find some great reads! xo