If you follow me on all my networks you will have seen a theme evolving over the past few weeks. I am in the process of setting up my own makeup and beauty business. I have spent much time over the past few years trying to work for myself. It has always been my dream to be self-employed. I have studied many subjects that interest me. I have been inspired by many people over the last few years such as International Makeup Artist Karla Powell who has always supported my move into the industry and kept me inspired through her amazing talents and drive to push herself forward and out of her comfort zone.
The few people who I have opened upto about my business idea have been very supportive. It's hard to open up when an idea is so raw, there's always the chance it will get shot down and break my heart. I wanted to keep you, my readers, in the loop as I have never had a bad response from you girls and guys against anything I've ever posted. You have always supported my blog and helped it grow to what it has become today. I am still surprised that you want to read my gibberish.
So Basically, I'm setting up my own Mobile Makeup and Beauty business. I have a name which I'm keeping a BIG secret online until my business comes together. I'm meeting with a web designer this Friday to get the ball rolling. I've created my mood boards and I'm halfway through my business plan. The South Norfolk Council have said they may be able to support and guide me once I can show them my plan. I have a wonderful photographer who I met through the East Anglian Bloggers Party last month. I would like to work together with local brands (East Anglia but mostly Norfolk) like I do with my blog but closer to home.
All in all I will be offering a service, that being primarily Makeup Parties. I have gone down the road of selling products in the past (read my MLM blog post) and it upset me how customers felt obliged to buy products from me. I want my business to be fun, exciting and comfortable. I want to provide a service where customers know what they have paid for before I even step into their homes.
I have put a survey together of 10 simple questions around the subject of 'Home Parties'. If you could spare 5 minutes to give your honest opinion I would be very grateful. It's completely anonymous so feel free to be raw in your opinions (Find the survey here) I will keep you updated with the progress of my business as it goes along. I won't set up a separate blog for it as I feel this blog would end up being disconnected from it. I want to integrate every part of my social networks. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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