Hey Y’all!
This is a foundation/how I contour my face combo blog. Awesome possum. I’m excited, so let’s get this train wreck rolling.
First off, I have to give props to the AMAZING Wayne Goss for introducing me to this miracle, time saving method. Why not check out his channel here? But not until you’ve finished reading this, you Judas!
← Jabba, you too can have cheekbones!
As a mother to 3 young children and a full time student, I look to squeeze precious seconds out of every task I seek to accomplish. A few of my fave tip saving tips also include; brushing my teeth in the shower, cramming my dinner into my face over the sink as I wash dishes/contemplate how the hell my life came to this and quaffing my share of the Friday night wine when my dear husband goes to the loo to make me exempt from getting up with the kids during the night (sly as a fox!). I do not have time to spend hours doing my face in the morning. I am actually convinced in the 3 seconds the kids are awake before me, they have a little pow-wow, get their watches out and plan to synchronise their bowels/draw on the walls/smear themselves in jam during the10 minutes I have assigned to do my slap.
The code I live by →
To the makeup. I personally would love to have cheekbones that could cut glass, but instead of a roaring 20’s glamour puss profile I was bestowed with a more Jabba the hutt jawline. But instead of rushing out to the gym and abusing myself on the cross-trainer to achieve this, I will happily utilise makeup to acquire the same results and embrace chocolate and the inevitable type 2 diabetes that is sure to follow.
Let’s go all Blue Peter. For this look you will need:
← Bobbi Brown’s foundation stick in ‘Porcelain’. Right: ‘Warm Honey.’
- A silicone based primer (I am using Benefits fantabulous ‘Pore Porefessional’ courtesy of the fabby Wendy England).
- 2 Bobbi Brown stick foundations, one 2 shades lighter than your skin tone and one 2 shades darker (I am using shade 0 in ‘Porcelain’ and shade 5.5 in ‘Warm Honey’).
- Your fave concealer (I am using Bourjois ‘Healthy Mix’ concealer in shade 52).
- Bare Minerals foundation (shade ‘Fair).
- And one empty Fairy Liquid bottle.
Starting off…
← Jesus! 6am fabulousness.
I felt so naked in this picture (this is me at 6am about to spend 5 hours in Uni on 4 hours sleep). In fact, I am so naked I am one failed engagement away from straddling demolition equipment and licking a hammer. Prep your face with your primer and conceal any major bags/blemishes.
It’s getting better…
The reason I have used this filter is to show you exactly where to apply your highlighter. You are looking to accent the light areas shown to add depth and define bone structure. I applied the light foundation stick to said areas, and pretty liberally at that.
Voila! Cheekbones.
Again, I have used this filter to show you where to apply your contour (so under your cheekbones, down the sides of your nose and around your lower jawline). Yes, it does look a bit ‘dirty protest’ but don’t be scared off, we will be buffing it in shortly.
Finishing up…
Buff the Bare Minerals foundation across your face, starting at your forehead then working your way around your mush, leaving the nose until last. Make sure there are no obvious hard lines left, then voila! You’re done. See, that wasn’t rocket science was it. You can set this look with your chosen brand of finishing spray, currently I am reaching for (the whisky) MUA’s Pro-fixing mist.
In the words of Mrs Doyle ‘Go on go on go on go on go on’ and try it out for yourself.
Thank you Louisa for sharing your contour routine with my readers. I never would have thought to use a powder foundation to buff and set. Visit Lou's blog www.rararouge.com/blog/ to read more of her cheeky and hilarious posts. Want to be a featured blogger next month? Then read up how on my Advertiser page!

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