It's a new month and even though it's going to be a super busy one I thought I'd push myself even harder and do something slightly out of the ordinary, well for me anyway. While I was browsing my lovely friends photos on Instagram I came across Alice's Super Gorgeous: October blog post. She set a challenge on Instagram of a different theme for each day of the month to post a picture of and for others to play along with.
I didn't take part last month as I didn't know about it and I realise my Instagram has been lacking lately *slaps own hand*. So I'm going to give it a good old shot and see how many different things I can photograph in relation to the below daily themes. I think doing something like this can be very inspiring and will help keep my mind actively searching for new things to photograph.
Anyone can take part. If you want to see what I post about you can follow me by searching for Wendy_England. Let me know if you're taking part also so I can follow you too. Happy photographing!

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