So your sat at home after work, bored and wishing you had a bit more cash to go buy that KFC for tea. Up pops a TV ad, "Do you have spare time on your hands? Love makeup and meeting up with friends? Well you can now earn money by doing what you love! Join us today and make your dreams come true." You don't even think twice. You click on their website and join up. You have now taken the first step to starting your own business. How easy was that?!
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Monday, 23 September 2013
Makeup Brushes: how do you clean yours?
How often do you clean your makeup brushes? Once a month, a fortnight, every day? We always remember to take our makeup off each night (well you should if you're not ladies) but what about the makeup that's left on our brushes? Now I know not everyone uses brushes. I didn't before I done my makeup course, instead opting to apply foundation with my hands. We all still use brushes for our eyeshadows though. Can you imagine applying that with your fingers? I'd probably end up looking like Jeff Hardy (a TNA wrestler for those of you who just went 'who?').
Friday, 20 September 2013
Relationship update: 5 year Anniversary

Today my boyfriend and I celebrated 5 years together ❤
Sorry but you may need the sick bucket for this one. It feels like we have been together much longer than our 5 years, is that a bad thing? I feel more strongly for him now than I did back in the day. Through our low points (of which there were many) we have learnt much more about each other and how not to push each others buttons. He sometimes lacks empathy and swiftly gets a death stare from me warning him that if he continues to speak I will turn volatile and wont be liable for my actions haha. Saying that we rarely argue.
Reviewed: Topshop Lipstick Boom Boom
Someone, somewhere needs to give me a massive slap or atleast tell me to get my eyes tested (I was 18 last time I did) as I had no idea Topshop had a makeup range, honestly I didn't. Topshops makeup has slipped under my radar. I was so busy buying high end makeup that I neglected the smaller brands. It's not a high street shop I frequent much. Being a curvy size 16 (OK I lie, these days I'm more of an 18) and finding Topshops clothes on the small side I tend to wear Dorothy Perkins.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Goodie bag - East Anglian Blogger Party
How're yer gorn on ther gul? Not to bad? Fair ta middlen?
Did you understand any of that? If you did then you must be born and bred Norfolk. Seriously I don't understand most the dialect and I've lived here all my life. My boyfriend on the other hand was critiquing that first sentence to make sure I spelt it all correctly. Well, you can't not use our Norridge dialect when speaking about the East Anglian Blogger Party. It was the first of it's kind in the East. Most bloggers parties our set either in London, Birmingham or Nottingham - the ones I've heard about anyhow.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Reviewed: Nivea In-shower body moisturiser
Nivea In-shower body moisturiser has become a staple in my shower routine. Ever since I saw it advertised I knew I had to have it. Heads up Niveas advertising team, no woman is that happy in the shower at 7am. I don't look that sexy either. They should have a video of a woman trying to bend over backwards trying to get her scaled up shower head just to sprinkle some water while her boyfriend bangs on ...wait for it... the door (not what you were thinking was it?) shouting hurry up.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag!
1. Thank the tagger and link them in the post.
2. State that this tag was created by The Beau Bow
3. Copy and paste the rules.
4. Tag some more beauty bloggers and link them to the post.
5. Title this The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Post so bloggers know what the post is about.
6. Have fun!
Saturday, 14 September 2013
East Anglian Blogger Party

Yes I'm writing this already. I know it was only last night but I had such a good time I want to share everything with my readers. Last night I attended the first East Anglian Bloggers Party. To say I was nervous attending such a gathering, and not knowing a soul, would be an understatement. It took me over 2 hours to get ready, longer if you count waiting for my ASOS delivery. I always leave things to the last minute.
Friday, 13 September 2013
Mega Haul
Someone help me I think I have a problem :S I went into the city with the intention of getting my hands on some free samples to review and then hopefully purchase in the future. I headed straight for Boots in Chapelfields (the only Boots in Norwich centre with Makeup counters) and hit a wall. Not only were there limited staff on the counters, some counters had no staff, but the staff kept making excuses. Clinique girl said they don't do samples as putting products in pots damages the product in some way and you don't get a full sense of the product, she didn't offer me to try them on my skin either. Not one person on Smashbox (never is) so I decided to purchase my Toni&Guy Jumbo Tongs and House of Holland nails and move on.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Review: Tropic Skincare Brow Define*

Today I qualified in eye enhancement and thought it would be the perfect time to review the fabulous Brow Definer by Tropic. Yes Tropic have a makeup range! If you haven't tried it yet you will love it as much as I do. It's free from synthetic fragrances, harsh preservatives & parabens, and fortified with active botanical extracts and minerals.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
My Moo Business cards
I'm counting down until Friday at 7pm when I'll be going to my first bloggers party, East Anglian Bloggers Party to be exact. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I'm sure there will be lots of other girls and boys there who are jus as nervous. I want to make the most of this opportunity to meet and connect with fellow bloggers from all platforms locally. My first thought? I need to get business cards! Ok, maybe not the first thought running though most bloggers heads. Most would think 'What am I going to wear??' But my business head always comes before decorations.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
{{Showing some Love}} Giveaway!!!
It's been awhile since I showed you my love by giving away some fabulous products. I hunted high and low, turned my house upside down and came up with some cute products by my favourite brands. I hope your excited to get started and take part in this Giveaway. There are several ways in which you can give yourself a better opportunity to win. If you come back everyday throughout the week you'll have an even better opportunity.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Top 6 Highlighters and concealers 2013
Don't you just love highlighters and concealers. My makeup bag just isn't complete without them. I'm sharing with you today my top 6 which are staples in my daily routine. They range in prices so there's something for everyones budget. You have probably heard of most of them and even use them yourself.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Motivation: You Can!
I'm going to get a bit 'real' here. I don't often write posts like this as I find opening up hard to do especially to strangers, I have to trust the people I spill my guts to. I feel though that you my lovely reader are trustworthy and won't judge me (I hope).
Sunday, 1 September 2013
August Empties: the Good and Bad
Hello September! You snuck up on us didn't you?!
The shops are already stocking up on Christmas stock if you can believe it? Is it just me or does this happen earlier and earlier every year? Debenhams and Boots are about to put their gift sets on the shelves and the seasonal isles in supermarkets are stocking those diet busting sweet tins. I'm no scrooge by any means but for me Summer isn't over yet; I'm not ready to cover up my legs or put away my summer scents.