What a month! I don't think it could have been any busier. I've managed to do 18 (19 with this post) blog posts this month. My aim was to blog every day but I'm not disappointed as without that goal I wouldn't have done this many. As well as my blog I started my Makeup course and so far have had 4 lessons. I've learnt the basics of foundation application, how to line a lip and eye among many other skills. Next month I'll be able to put those lessons to the test on models (aka my friends). I'm watching more and more YouTube tutorials than ever before so if YOU have a channel where you show how to apply makeup plz leave your linkies for me.
On a completely different note - if your a bloke stop reading now - I had the mirena coil fitted. I have suffered for many years with pain from cramps and PMS. They last roughly 2-3 weeks a month! I know right? Ridiculous! I've tried all the pills and the injection. It has taken me a year to decide whether or not to get the mirena. For those of you that don't know what form of contraception it is click here for more info. I don't want to bore you with an education post. Anyway silly me thought it would be simple and I'd be in the doctors for a matter of minutes before I was ushered on my way... not the case. I was in agony and almost fainted :( I stood up and within seconds went as white as the sheets on the bed. I felt sick, dizzy and I could feel the colour disappear from my face, and I started sweating all over. The female doc and nurse were amazing I got me some drugs and a biscuit ^-^ I was lying on the bed for 20 mins before I was able to drive home. My advice for anyone getting the mirena? Take ibuprofen 30 mins before having it put in and make sure you eat a meal too. I hadn't eaten for 6hrs due to nerves and suffered for it.
Anyway enough of that, you want some blog posts :D here are a few of my favourite posts from this March ....
Real Techniques Shading Brush - Stats for the month .. 45 views so far.
I loved this brush and it's a staple in my collection now. I don't know how I done my makeup without it before.

Benefit World Famous Naturals - stats for the month .. 53 views so far.
I'm aware that pinks and purples can make your eyes look sore but I think this palette works wonders for my eyes. I'm using it everyday now :)

MUA Undress Your Skin Highlighter - stats this month .. 92 views so far.
I know I said I'm not a fan of the powder highlighter but I've been using this during the month and my opinion has changed! :O

Percy and Reed Finishing polish - stats this month .. 175 views so far.
I had never heard of this brand until I got a freebie with a magazine this month. Now I'm using it everyday. I have very thick hair so this is a god send, a real hair tamer xo
What did you think of this post, a good idea? Should I continue to do one at the end of each month?

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